Still Looking For Financing?

Chasing financing

Many Small and mid-sized companies that are looking to grow are still running into difficulties when looking for financing: Loans are still hard to come by but invoice factoring may help.

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Solutions for Small Business Bankers 2022

Invoice Factoring Frequently Asked Questions

Charter Capital is a non-bank provider of working capital funds and accounts receivable factoring services to small businesses. Commercial bankers regularly refer to Charter Capital their small businesses customers constrained in their ability to qualify for conventional financing. By employing its factoring services, Charter Capital…

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Space and Small Business – the Final Frontier of Profits?

Space and Small Business – the Final Frontier of Profits

Space and small business – the final frontier. There practically isn’t a person alive today who doesn’t know this famous opening line from the original Star Trek series. When first uttered on American televisions in September 1966, space seemed like a faraway, exotic place full…

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Is Brick-and-Mortar Dead? Hold Up on That Obituary

Small Brick and Mortar Business Closed

Is Brick-and-Mortar Dead? Hold Up on That Obituary When asked about wild rumors of his passing in 1895, Mark Twain reportedly replied, “Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Fast forward nearly 125 years and there’s another rumor of death floating around. Only this…

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