Charter Capital has more than 20 years hands-on experience financing companies in many different industries. We understand the challenges you face and will put our industry expertise to work for you. Below are just a few examples of the industries for which we provide invoice factoring services. Click on yours to see how we can benefit you.

Trucking and Freight Services
Trucking companies often prefer Charter Capital’s Freight Bill Factoring program because we can meet the high demands of these fast-moving companies.

Security Firms
Charter Capital has a great deal of experience accommodating the financing needs of security companies.

Very often staffing companies run into cash flow problems when faced with making payroll. For businesses like these, Invoice Factoring makes perfect sense.

Consulting & Service Firms
Factoring is an ideal cash flow solution for service companies such as professional consulting or technology service companies.

Factoring provides a readily available source of cash to purchase materials, maintain inventory, or expand operations.

Oil and Gas Services
Charter Capital works with many oil and gas servicing companies who have gained a competitive advantage with invoice factoring.