Customized Factoring Solutions for Seasonal Businesses

Customized Factoring Solutions for Seasonal Businesses

Eight in ten small businesses say the holiday season is essential to their overall profit, according to the Small Business Administration. Yet, even if your business isn’t impacted by these final few weeks of the year, chances are your sales ebb and flow based on…

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Top 6 Business Growth Resources for Savvy Entrepreneurs

Top Business Growth Resources for Savvy Entrepreneurs

Do you know what separates a thriving business from one that stalls? It’s not just the product, the strategy, or even the vision—it’s the ability to tap into the right resources at the right time. For entrepreneurs, staying ahead of the curve means constantly learning,…

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7 Essential Ways to Invest in Your Small Business

Learn to Invest in Small Business Growth.

Warren Buffett once said, “The best investment you can make is in yourself.” For small business owners, this wisdom translates directly into the strategic investments you make in your company. Whether it’s in your financial foundation, your team, or the technology that drives your operations,…

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The Role of Invoice Factoring in Staffing Company Growth

A group of diverse professionals posing together.

Business growth always comes with challenges. However, in the staffing industry, these difficulties often intensify with every passing pay period. This is the nature of the industry, but it doesn’t have to be that way for your staffing company. On this page, we’ll explore why…

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6 Common Bookkeeping Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these bookkeeping mistakes.

Think your business excels at accurate bookkeeping? It’s not as easy as it sounds, and even small errors or oversights can cause major issues as your business grows. On this page, we’ll review some of the most common bookkeeping mistakes that small businesses make, why…

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6 Types of Business Insurance You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Business protection with commercial insurance for real estate and assets

Would replacing a $1,000 laptop be challenging for your business at times? What about paying $10,000 in medical bills for a client who slips and falls at your business, $100,000 for giving a client bad advice, or $1,000,000 to restore operations after a fire? Each…

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How to Use Customer Feedback to Boost Small Business Growth

Learn how to get the feedback you need and what to do with it in this detailed guide.

Customers are speaking up. Is your brand listening and turning their words into actionable strategies to grow your business? On this page, you’ll learn how to find and solicit customer feedback and what to do with the information you learn to boost your business growth….

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Handling Payment Delays as a Government Contractor

Explore how factoring provides a reliable bridge to ensure consistent cash flow.

Government contracts can be challenging to win and navigate, but they’re also some of the most lucrative and dependable contracts you can have. On this page, we’ll walk you through why you may experience delayed payments and cash flow challenges and how government contractor factoring…

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10 Smart Ways to Leverage AI in Customer Service

Learn why it's essential and what areas to focus on in this detailed guide.

Public opinion on artificial intelligence (AI) has shifted in recent years. Today, nearly three-quarters of people are comfortable leveraging an AI chatbot, and more than half say this extends into sensitive areas like medical and financial matters, a recent Qualtrics survey shows. More than half…

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