Take your business to the next level with accounts receivable factoring for Services Companies.

We offer factoring services for start-ups and well-established service providers to help them manage their cash flow and cover essential expenses.

Invoice Factoring Loans for Service Firms

Invoice factoring can be very beneficial to  services companies. Companies that offer services to commercial businesses cannot usually pledge tangible assets to banks as collateral for a traditional bank loan. This, unfortunately, means service providers are often denied the loans they need or are approved, but with limited funds to supplement their working capital. Invoice factoring companies offer an alternative financing solution that is substantially easier to get approved for.

  1. Factoring invoices means quick cash: Consulting companies would be able to receive cash for their outstanding invoices right away, instead of waiting 30 to 90 days for an invoice to pay. The invoice factoring process allows businesses to receive funds in as little as 24 hours.
  2. Invoice Factoring means no need for a bank loan: To get the funding they need, many companies rely on bank loans. Many consulting firms are not eligible for the funding they need to grow. Invoice factoring is possible even for businesses with a bad credit history or who have been around for a very short time.
  3. Factoring invoices means support services: Charter Capital will collect the unpaid invoices via letter or a phone call if necessary. We will then return the balance to the company we purchased the invoices from, minus a small fee.
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Benefits of Selling Accounts Receivable With a Factoring Company

The use of factoring services will allow you to extend generous payment terms to your customers and still obtain cash to accelerate growth and profits–all without having to take out a loan.

Charter Capital factoring allows you to obtain cash for:

icons8 add male user group 50 | Invoice Factoring for Service Providers Add more employees

icons8 tax 25 | Invoice Factoring for Service Providers Pay outstanding debt or tax obligations

icons8 total sales 50 | Invoice Factoring for Service Providers Beef-up sales efforts

icons8 business goal 50 | Invoice Factoring for Service Providers Finance acquisitions of other consulting firms

icons8 financial success 50 | Invoice Factoring for Service Providers To meet operating cash obligations like payroll

A dedicated account executive and the use of our back-office support for collections and mailing out your invoices sometimes offset the factoring fees or decrease internal overhead and related costs. We are seasoned professionals with decades of industry experience.

 Is Factoring for Service Providers the Answer For Service Industries?

We Understand Your Cash Flow Issues

Invoice Factoring from Charter Capital can provide the financing for your business needs, grab new opportunities, invest in marketing, meet payroll demands, or simply meet other expenses.

Charter Capital provides steady cash flow with accounts receivable factoring to service and consulting firms. This allows you to focus on your business growth.

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