How Can Freight Factoring Fund Your Trucking Business?

Increase your freight business profitInsufficient or uneven cash flow can prevent your business from meeting its full potential and even stunt your long-term growth as a company. Trucking businesses face a number of unique challenges when trying to grow their business, including fuel costs, inventory, and more. Fortunately, your trucking business has a few resources at its disposal to keep cash flow problems at a minimum. Trucking Factoring, also known as freight bill factoring, has become a major player in cash flow management in the trucking industry, allowing trucking companies to manage their business cash flow easily and conveniently.

Freight factoring services are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the trucking industry and the transportation industry as a whole. Trucking factoring also has a much easier application and approval process than business loans for truckers, and they do not negatively affect your company’s credit score. Small business loans for truck drivers typically include long waiting periods, but freight factoring companies can offer you approval and funding in as little as 24 to 48 hours. Factoring is the trucking financing option that gives your business the cash flow it needs when it needs it.

Build Better Credit

Few things can cause a business to fail like poor cash flow and bad business credit can. Freight factoring services allow business owners to build strong business credit by providing them with access to same-day funds to cover their expenses and pay off previous debts. Unlike traditional business loans, factoring for trucking companies works around potential poor credit history to provide adequate funds to get your business up and running. With sufficient funding, you’ll be able to rid your business of debt and focus on expanding it. And because this is a transaction where your trucking business will be selling its open accounts receivables to a freight factoring company, you are not acquiring debt. You are simply being advanced money that is already owed to you, so there are no negative marks on your credit score.

Take Advantage of Flexibility

The factoring process allows for more flexibility than the average bank loan, which means your business can take better control over its operating costs. By factoring only the outstanding invoices you want and only when you need the extra cash flow, you can decide what funds your company will use, when, and on what. Your business remains in control of your funds at all times, with no minimum or maximum volume requirements.

Dream Big

A reliable cash flow allows your business to take on bigger, better projects, knowing that your cash flow won’t be interrupted by unpaid invoices. Whether you’re interested in expanding your truck fleet, or opening up a new office, factoring can help. Not only will you be able to manage your cash flow, but you’ll also be able to add to it by attracting new business and creating new opportunities for your trucking company to expand. Even simple things like offering discounts and incentives become easier with dependable invoice factoring.

Customer Service

Banks typically offer a “one size fits all” solution to most of their clients, so there are not necessarily trucking business loans. Factoring companies, however, provide personal assistance with dedicated account managers who are familiar with your company’s individual circumstances and business goals. Factoring is the trucking finance solution that is designed to help businesses in the transportation industry focus on growing their business. Factoring companies can also help your trucking business by offering additional administrative assistance with collections support, online reporting, and credit card verification.

Get the best deal for your trucking company with Charter Capital’s freight factoring services. Take advantage of our low rates, same-day funding, no-term contracts, and more today.

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